Why We Should All Grow Native Plants

Need a reason to grow native plants in your garden? Here are 7!

Whether you have a window box, container garden, urban garden, or acres of land, you can contribute to the environment by planting native flowers, edibles, shrubs, and trees.

#1 - They're Beautiful!

#2 - Appreciate Your Area: Native plants help us recognize and appreciate the diversity of the USA. Our country has many eco-regions, and each of them is home to specific plants -- from soaring Sequoias to cool cacti and bursting blueberries. These plants play significant parts in the ongoing stories of the US and its first people.

#3 - Support Biodiversity: Native plants and local wildlife have evolved together. These plants provide food, shelter, and habitat to insects, birds, reptiles, mammals, and amphibians. Their fruits, nectar, and seeds also fuel migrating wildlife on their journey.

#4 - Save Money & Time: These plants are adapted to the local climate and growing conditions. When they're planted in an appropriate place, they’re less stressed, grow more easily, can better defend themselves from pests, and don’t strain water resources. They also don’t rely on fertilizers or pesticides for survival. Once established, native plants are relatively maintenance free, saving you time and money!

#5 - Improve Soil Health: Native plants have extensive root systems. These roots break up heavy soils, allowing water to pass through. Roots also stabilize soil and prevent erosion. And when the roots die, they add organic matter to the soil which feeds soil life and other plants.

#6 - Support Flood Mitigation: Native plants are important for flood mitigation. Plants in floodplains and swamps help to slow flooding, spread the water, and prevent erosion. These natives help the overflow, and sediments it carries, absorb into the soil.

#7 - Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions: By cutting lawns out of the picture and dedicating space to a native plant garden, you won’t need to mow! When you eliminate (or at least reduce) mowing, fewer emissions and greenhouse gasses are released into the atmosphere.


Keep reading to learn about other plants native to the Delmarva region like Nènèskakw (Eastern Redbud) and Mahchikpi (Pawpaw) and why we should leave the leaves.