Our Story


A note from Native Roots Farm Foundation Co-Founder and President/Executive Director Courtney Streett: 

Native Roots Farm Foundation’s story begins a century ago when my great-grandparents purchased a farm in Milton, Delaware.

William and Bertha Mae were members of the Nanticoke Indian community based in Lower Delaware. At that time in America’s history, people of color were often prevented from owning land, and those who did own land faced significant obstacles. Against the odds, my family’s farm flourished, growing fruits and vegetables, including tomatoes, peas, raspberries, and strawberries. My family would drive their produce to Rehoboth Beach and sell it to passersby. Thanks to decades of hard work, tenacity, and dedication, that farm is still owned and cared for by members of my family.

Lower Delaware’s landscape has changed dramatically over the past few decades. As interest in the region has grown, farmland and woodlands that once stretched as far as the eye could see have disappeared. Now, residential developments, shopping centers, and parking lots blanket land where plants once thrived. 

We cannot afford to lose any more farms or open spaces. 

That belief spurred my partner and me to act and it continues to serve as our North Star. We connected with people from Delaware and across the country who helped us create Native Roots Farm Foundation. The organization was founded and received 501(c)3 nonprofit status in 2020. 

I hope you will join us as we continue forward. Together, we will celebrate Native communities, connect with our surrounding environment, and ensure open spaces remain for future generations.